2025-01-20 16:36:01 +08:00

339 lines
15 KiB

# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license
import os
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import torch
from ultralytics.data import build_dataloader, build_yolo_dataset, converter
from ultralytics.engine.validator import BaseValidator
from ultralytics.utils import LOGGER, ops
from ultralytics.utils.checks import check_requirements
from ultralytics.utils.metrics import ConfusionMatrix, DetMetrics, box_iou
from ultralytics.utils.plotting import output_to_target, plot_images
class DetectionValidator(BaseValidator):
A class extending the BaseValidator class for validation based on a detection model.
from ultralytics.models.yolo.detect import DetectionValidator
args = dict(model="yolo11n.pt", data="coco8.yaml")
validator = DetectionValidator(args=args)
def __init__(self, dataloader=None, save_dir=None, pbar=None, args=None, _callbacks=None):
"""Initialize detection model with necessary variables and settings."""
super().__init__(dataloader, save_dir, pbar, args, _callbacks)
self.nt_per_class = None
self.nt_per_image = None
self.is_coco = False
self.is_lvis = False
self.class_map = None
self.args.task = "detect"
self.metrics = DetMetrics(save_dir=self.save_dir, on_plot=self.on_plot)
self.iouv = torch.linspace(0.5, 0.95, 10) # IoU vector for mAP@0.5:0.95
self.niou = self.iouv.numel()
self.lb = [] # for autolabelling
if self.args.save_hybrid:
"WARNING ⚠️ 'save_hybrid=True' will append ground truth to predictions for autolabelling.\n"
"WARNING ⚠️ 'save_hybrid=True' will cause incorrect mAP.\n"
def preprocess(self, batch):
"""Preprocesses batch of images for YOLO training."""
batch["img"] = batch["img"].to(self.device, non_blocking=True)
batch["img"] = (batch["img"].half() if self.args.half else batch["img"].float()) / 255
for k in ["batch_idx", "cls", "bboxes"]:
batch[k] = batch[k].to(self.device)
if self.args.save_hybrid:
height, width = batch["img"].shape[2:]
nb = len(batch["img"])
bboxes = batch["bboxes"] * torch.tensor((width, height, width, height), device=self.device)
self.lb = [
torch.cat([batch["cls"][batch["batch_idx"] == i], bboxes[batch["batch_idx"] == i]], dim=-1)
for i in range(nb)
return batch
def init_metrics(self, model):
"""Initialize evaluation metrics for YOLO."""
val = self.data.get(self.args.split, "") # validation path
self.is_coco = (
isinstance(val, str)
and "coco" in val
and (val.endswith(f"{os.sep}val2017.txt") or val.endswith(f"{os.sep}test-dev2017.txt"))
) # is COCO
self.is_lvis = isinstance(val, str) and "lvis" in val and not self.is_coco # is LVIS
self.class_map = converter.coco80_to_coco91_class() if self.is_coco else list(range(len(model.names)))
self.args.save_json |= self.args.val and (self.is_coco or self.is_lvis) and not self.training # run final val
self.names = model.names
self.nc = len(model.names)
self.metrics.names = self.names
self.metrics.plot = self.args.plots
self.confusion_matrix = ConfusionMatrix(nc=self.nc, conf=self.args.conf)
self.seen = 0
self.jdict = []
self.stats = dict(tp=[], conf=[], pred_cls=[], target_cls=[], target_img=[])
def get_desc(self):
"""Return a formatted string summarizing class metrics of YOLO model."""
return ("%22s" + "%11s" * 6) % ("Class", "Images", "Instances", "Box(P", "R", "mAP50", "mAP50-95)")
def postprocess(self, preds):
"""Apply Non-maximum suppression to prediction outputs."""
return ops.non_max_suppression(
agnostic=self.args.single_cls or self.args.agnostic_nms,
def _prepare_batch(self, si, batch):
"""Prepares a batch of images and annotations for validation."""
idx = batch["batch_idx"] == si
cls = batch["cls"][idx].squeeze(-1)
bbox = batch["bboxes"][idx]
ori_shape = batch["ori_shape"][si]
imgsz = batch["img"].shape[2:]
ratio_pad = batch["ratio_pad"][si]
if len(cls):
bbox = ops.xywh2xyxy(bbox) * torch.tensor(imgsz, device=self.device)[[1, 0, 1, 0]] # target boxes
ops.scale_boxes(imgsz, bbox, ori_shape, ratio_pad=ratio_pad) # native-space labels
return {"cls": cls, "bbox": bbox, "ori_shape": ori_shape, "imgsz": imgsz, "ratio_pad": ratio_pad}
def _prepare_pred(self, pred, pbatch):
"""Prepares a batch of images and annotations for validation."""
predn = pred.clone()
pbatch["imgsz"], predn[:, :4], pbatch["ori_shape"], ratio_pad=pbatch["ratio_pad"]
) # native-space pred
return predn
def update_metrics(self, preds, batch):
for si, pred in enumerate(preds):
self.seen += 1
npr = len(pred)
stat = dict(
conf=torch.zeros(0, device=self.device),
pred_cls=torch.zeros(0, device=self.device),
tp=torch.zeros(npr, self.niou, dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device),
pbatch = self._prepare_batch(si, batch)
cls, bbox = pbatch.pop("cls"), pbatch.pop("bbox")
nl = len(cls)
stat["target_cls"] = cls
stat["target_img"] = cls.unique()
if npr == 0:
if nl:
for k in self.stats.keys():
if self.args.plots:
self.confusion_matrix.process_batch(detections=None, gt_bboxes=bbox, gt_cls=cls)
# Predictions
if self.args.single_cls:
pred[:, 5] = 0
predn = self._prepare_pred(pred, pbatch)
stat["conf"] = predn[:, 4]
stat["pred_cls"] = predn[:, 5]
# Evaluate
if nl:
stat["tp"] = self._process_batch(predn, bbox, cls)
if self.args.plots:
self.confusion_matrix.process_batch(predn, bbox, cls)
for k in self.stats.keys():
# Save
if self.args.save_json:
self.pred_to_json(predn, batch["im_file"][si])
if self.args.save_txt:
self.save_dir / "labels" / f'{Path(batch["im_file"][si]).stem}.txt',
def finalize_metrics(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Set final values for metrics speed and confusion matrix."""
self.metrics.speed = self.speed
self.metrics.confusion_matrix = self.confusion_matrix
def get_stats(self):
"""Returns metrics statistics and results dictionary."""
stats = {k: torch.cat(v, 0).cpu().numpy() for k, v in self.stats.items()} # to numpy
self.nt_per_class = np.bincount(stats["target_cls"].astype(int), minlength=self.nc)
self.nt_per_image = np.bincount(stats["target_img"].astype(int), minlength=self.nc)
stats.pop("target_img", None)
if len(stats) and stats["tp"].any():
return self.metrics.results_dict
def print_results(self):
"""Prints training/validation set metrics per class."""
pf = "%22s" + "%11i" * 2 + "%11.3g" * len(self.metrics.keys) # print format
LOGGER.info(pf % ("all", self.seen, self.nt_per_class.sum(), *self.metrics.mean_results()))
if self.nt_per_class.sum() == 0:
LOGGER.warning(f"WARNING ⚠️ no labels found in {self.args.task} set, can not compute metrics without labels")
# Print results per class
if self.args.verbose and not self.training and self.nc > 1 and len(self.stats):
for i, c in enumerate(self.metrics.ap_class_index):
pf % (self.names[c], self.nt_per_image[c], self.nt_per_class[c], *self.metrics.class_result(i))
if self.args.plots:
for normalize in True, False:
save_dir=self.save_dir, names=self.names.values(), normalize=normalize, on_plot=self.on_plot
def _process_batch(self, detections, gt_bboxes, gt_cls):
Return correct prediction matrix.
detections (torch.Tensor): Tensor of shape (N, 6) representing detections where each detection is
(x1, y1, x2, y2, conf, class).
gt_bboxes (torch.Tensor): Tensor of shape (M, 4) representing ground-truth bounding box coordinates. Each
bounding box is of the format: (x1, y1, x2, y2).
gt_cls (torch.Tensor): Tensor of shape (M,) representing target class indices.
(torch.Tensor): Correct prediction matrix of shape (N, 10) for 10 IoU levels.
The function does not return any value directly usable for metrics calculation. Instead, it provides an
intermediate representation used for evaluating predictions against ground truth.
iou = box_iou(gt_bboxes, detections[:, :4])
return self.match_predictions(detections[:, 5], gt_cls, iou)
def build_dataset(self, img_path, mode="val", batch=None):
Build YOLO Dataset.
img_path (str): Path to the folder containing images.
mode (str): `train` mode or `val` mode, users are able to customize different augmentations for each mode.
batch (int, optional): Size of batches, this is for `rect`. Defaults to None.
return build_yolo_dataset(self.args, img_path, batch, self.data, mode=mode, stride=self.stride)
def get_dataloader(self, dataset_path, batch_size):
"""Construct and return dataloader."""
dataset = self.build_dataset(dataset_path, batch=batch_size, mode="val")
return build_dataloader(dataset, batch_size, self.args.workers, shuffle=False, rank=-1) # return dataloader
def plot_val_samples(self, batch, ni):
"""Plot validation image samples."""
fname=self.save_dir / f"val_batch{ni}_labels.jpg",
def plot_predictions(self, batch, preds, ni):
"""Plots predicted bounding boxes on input images and saves the result."""
*output_to_target(preds, max_det=self.args.max_det),
fname=self.save_dir / f"val_batch{ni}_pred.jpg",
) # pred
def save_one_txt(self, predn, save_conf, shape, file):
"""Save YOLO detections to a txt file in normalized coordinates in a specific format."""
from ultralytics.engine.results import Results
np.zeros((shape[0], shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8),
boxes=predn[:, :6],
).save_txt(file, save_conf=save_conf)
def pred_to_json(self, predn, filename):
"""Serialize YOLO predictions to COCO json format."""
stem = Path(filename).stem
image_id = int(stem) if stem.isnumeric() else stem
box = ops.xyxy2xywh(predn[:, :4]) # xywh
box[:, :2] -= box[:, 2:] / 2 # xy center to top-left corner
for p, b in zip(predn.tolist(), box.tolist()):
"image_id": image_id,
"category_id": self.class_map[int(p[5])]
+ (1 if self.is_lvis else 0), # index starts from 1 if it's lvis
"bbox": [round(x, 3) for x in b],
"score": round(p[4], 5),
def eval_json(self, stats):
"""Evaluates YOLO output in JSON format and returns performance statistics."""
if self.args.save_json and (self.is_coco or self.is_lvis) and len(self.jdict):
pred_json = self.save_dir / "predictions.json" # predictions
anno_json = (
/ "annotations"
/ ("instances_val2017.json" if self.is_coco else f"lvis_v1_{self.args.split}.json")
) # annotations
pkg = "pycocotools" if self.is_coco else "lvis"
LOGGER.info(f"\nEvaluating {pkg} mAP using {pred_json} and {anno_json}...")
try: # https://github.com/cocodataset/cocoapi/blob/master/PythonAPI/pycocoEvalDemo.ipynb
for x in pred_json, anno_json:
assert x.is_file(), f"{x} file not found"
check_requirements("pycocotools>=2.0.6" if self.is_coco else "lvis>=0.5.3")
if self.is_coco:
from pycocotools.coco import COCO # noqa
from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval # noqa
anno = COCO(str(anno_json)) # init annotations api
pred = anno.loadRes(str(pred_json)) # init predictions api (must pass string, not Path)
val = COCOeval(anno, pred, "bbox")
from lvis import LVIS, LVISEval
anno = LVIS(str(anno_json)) # init annotations api
pred = anno._load_json(str(pred_json)) # init predictions api (must pass string, not Path)
val = LVISEval(anno, pred, "bbox")
val.params.imgIds = [int(Path(x).stem) for x in self.dataloader.dataset.im_files] # images to eval
if self.is_lvis:
val.print_results() # explicitly call print_results
# update mAP50-95 and mAP50
stats[self.metrics.keys[-1]], stats[self.metrics.keys[-2]] = (
val.stats[:2] if self.is_coco else [val.results["AP50"], val.results["AP"]]
except Exception as e:
LOGGER.warning(f"{pkg} unable to run: {e}")
return stats